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Trade Articles

Trade Articles cover a broad swathe of topics, including but not limited to scientific methodology, "how to" guides, field and laboratory techniques, and ongoing developments in the fossil and museum industries.

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This section of JPS is growing. The JPS Editorial Board invites authors from a diversity of perspectives, backgrounds, and fields to offer their voices and spark engaging and productive conversations.

Trade Articles

15 September, 2007
"How to Write a Scientific Article"
Kenneth Carpenter Ph.D, Curator of Lower Vertebrate Paleontology, Denver Museum of Nature & Science, 2001 Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO 80205. JPS.TD.07.0001

15 September, 2007
"Field Journal Documentation Procedures Part One: The Site Description: Examples of What Data to Collect at a Fossil Dig Site"
Walter W. Stein- President, PaleoAdventures. 2519 5th Ave. Belle Fourche, SD 57717. , 605-892-2634. JPS.TD.07.0002

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Last Updated: March 21, 2025
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