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About The Journal of Paleontological Sciences

As the Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences (AAPS) charted its course into the 21st century, several key members and supportive academics began the process of creating an AAPS-sponsored academic journal. A loose-association of members under the direction of then-president Mike Triebold organized a Journal Publications Committee. This committee developed the journal and its requisite operational structure, submission guidelines, and peer-review board. Committee Chairman Walter W Stein and vice-chairman George Winters spearheaded the creation of the Journal of Paleontological Sciences in February, 2006. Since its inception, JPS has maintained open-access and continues to attract a wide range of leading researchers and fossil industry figures.

Mission Statement

The Journal of Paleontological Sciences (JPS) is dedicated to helping preserve the fossil record for future generations. We support all those who, through ethical principles and scientific ideals, work towards advancing our knowledge of ancient life. JPS’ mission is to facilitate free and open forums for all paleontological researchers, including but not limited to academics, fossil dealers, land managers, private collectors, amateurs, and enthusiasts. JPS commits itself to expanding the bounds of communication and cooperation among all paleontological stakeholders. The goals, efforts, and conduct of JPS and its editorial board will reflect the hope that science remains open, diverse, and vibrant.

Fossil Ivory BanInternational Fossil LawsThe PaleontographAAPS
Last Updated: March 21, 2025
Copyright © 2006 - 2025, AAPS (Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences), all rights reserved.